Attention, you have a letter!
How often do your employees or you miss something important in the workflow? How often do you forget to call back, learn additional details or provide a discount?
You won't deny you experienced such things in the past, didn't you?
We have come up with a way to solve the problem of forgetfulness and lost clients. In the LASERWAR CRM settings there are "Mailing" sections. Here you'll find two kinds of mailing lists: "New order" and "New order from mini site". E-mails according to the "New order" template are received by the instructor whose name was specified in the request when it was created. The mini-site notification is sent to the administrator of the rental club.
It is up to you to choose whether you want to receive the newsletter: in the form of the text message or e-mail. Each type has a text template, which can be edited at any time you want. In addition, a CRM user can set up mailing parameters in the "My Profile" section by ticking the "Get Email messages" and "Get sms messages" check-boxes. The user receives the emails only when the appropriate setting box is ticked.
No more requests will escape from you - our notifications will carefully remind you of new requests. Subscribe, set up and enjoy!